Stiftelsen Assar Gabrielssons Fond

För klinisk forskning speciellt i cancersjukdomar


Award 2018


Assar Gabrielsson's Awards for studies related to the quality of life after treatment for larynx cancer and for studies of the molecular mechanisms in different tissues after irradiation.

Therese Karlsson

The 2018 Assar Gabrielsson Award, category Clinical Research, is presented to Therese Karlsson for her study of the quality of life and the voice function in patients with larynx cancer after completion of radiotherapy.

Therese Karlsson has in her thesis studied the quality of life and the voice function in patients with larynx cancer after completion of radiotherapy. Studies show that patients who received voice rehabilitation had improved quality of life and communication skills, both soon after treatment and in a longer term.

Therese Karlsson awarded the prize for she has increased awareness of the positive effects of voice rehabilitation in patients being treated for larynx cancer. The results from this research have led to changes in the national healthcare program.

Arne Wittlöv

The 2018 Assar Gabrielsson Award, category Experimental Research, is presented to Britta Langen for her study of the molecular mechanisms in different tissues after irradiation.

Britta Langen has in her thesis studied the molecular mechanisms in different tissues after irradiation. The studies have led to the identification of radiological biomarkers, and also revealed the systemic effects on non-irradiated organs, as well as the importance of the circadian rhythm regarding the response to irradiation of different tissues.

Britta Langen awarded the prize for she has increased the knowledge about the mechanisms of radiation therapy, especially in focusing on side effects on healthy tissues. The results from this research can contribute to better radiation treatment of various cancers.

From "Reasons to 2018-Award"  


Ceremony's date och place:

  • Place: Östholm hörsal, Medicinaregatan 13, Gothenburg,
  • Time:  Thursday May 24, 2018, from 13.15 and 16.00.

The presentation was done in English and Swedish.

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