Stiftelsen Assar Gabrielssons Fond

För klinisk forskning speciellt i cancersjukdomar


Save the date!

AG-Award 2017

The call for application is now closed but please, save the date for the ceremoni ward that will take place in May 18, 2017.

More details about the place of the ceremony will be given later but you can already save the dat: May 18, 2017, from 12.30.

Since 2015, AG-FOND awards a Price for an excellent thesis in the field of cancer research for two categories:

  • Experimental Research
  • Clinical Research

Each award is granted with a research amount by 100 000 SEK.

Next applications in English will be sent no later than February 1, 2018 to the Foundation's office Öppnas i nytt fönster..