Call for Application:
The Foundation Assar Gabrielssons calls for application about Bigger Research Projects 2022: two grants for bigger research projects by 600 000 SEK each, preferably one for preclinical cancer research and one for clinical cancer research will be awarded. The dead line is March 1 for the first selection step.
The grant can be used for salary and operating costs, and may be used for a three years'duration. Postdocs and young researchers (2-7 years after the public defence; illness periods and parental leave not included) can apply and receive this type of grant to a max. of 2 times. The application in the form of a summary of the project will be submitted on free paper no later than 1 March (step 1).
After examination by the Scientific Council, the most relevant candidates will be invited to submit a full proposal on a standard application form Word, 191.2 kB. before 1 May (step 2). The decision will be taken in June.
The application together with appendices shall be sent to the Foundation’s office no later than March 1, 2022. Additional information can be requested after submission.
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