Stiftelsen Assar Gabrielssons Fond

För klinisk forskning speciellt i cancersjukdomar



  • Stipendieöverlämnande:AG-Pris 2024

    Utdelning av stiftelsen Assar Gabrielssons Fonds Pris för utmärkt avhandling i cancerforskning till Sara Bjursten (klinisk forskning) och Anna Wenger (Basvetenskaplig forskning).
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  • Stora forskningsbidrag, Anslag 2023:

    Stora Forskningsbidrag 2023

    Stiftelsen Assar Gabrielssons Fond delar ut två anslag på 600 000 SEK för projekt med högre kvalitet till Alessandro Camponeschi and Stefan Kuczera. Båda forskar vid Göteborgs univ...
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  • Stipendieöverlämnande:AG-Pris 2023

    Utdelning av stiftelsen Assar Gabrielssons Fonds Pris för utmärkt avhandling i cancerforskning till Aron Onerup (klinisk forskning) och Malin Lindén (Basvetenskaplig forskning).
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  • Stora forskningsbidrag, Anslag 2022:

    Stora Forskningsbidrag 2022

    Stiftelsen Assar Gabrielssons Fond delar ut två anslag på 600 000 SEK för projekt med högre kvalitet till (i bokstavsordning): Aishe Sarshad and Ka-Wei Tang. Båda forskar vid Göteb...
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  • Stipendieöverlämnande:AG-Pris 2022

    Utdelning av stiftelsen Assar Gabrielssons Fonds Pris för utmärkt avhandling i cancerforskning till Emilia Alfonzo Rodriguez (klinisk forskning) och Angela Molinaro (Basvetenskapli...
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  • Call for Application:

    AG-Award 2022

    The Foundation Assar Gabrielssons calls for application regarding AG-Award 2022.

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  • Call for Application:

    Call for Bigger Research Grant 2022

    The Foundation Assar Gabrielssons calls for application about Bigger Research Projects 2022: two grants for bigger research projects by 600 000 SEK each, preferably one for preclin...
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  • Award ceremony and presentation:

    Call for Research Grant Application 2022

    The application's period is now open. The deadline is as usual October 1st.

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  • Stora forskningsbidrag, Anslag 2020:

    Stora Forskningsbidrag 2021

    Stiftelsen Assar Gabrielssons Fond delar ut tre anslag på 600 000 SEK för projekt med högre kvalitet till (i bokstavsordning): Martin Dalin, Carolina Guibentif och Lisa Tuomi, alla...
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  • Award ceremony and presentation:

    Save the date! Presentation of the AG-Awards 2020 and 2021 on May 27 at 13.00

    The laureates of the AG-Awards for 2020, Jennifer Park and Kristell Le Gal Beneroso, and 2021, Sanhita Mitra and Maria Lycke, will present their research at an on-line webinar
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  • Call for Application:

    AG-Award 2021

    The Foundation Assar Gabrielssons calls for application regarding AG-Award 2021.

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  • Call for Application:

    Call for Bigger Research Grant 2021

    The Foundation Assar Gabrielssons calls for application about Bigger Research Projects 2021: two grants for bigger research projects by 600 000 SEK each, preferably one for preclin...
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  • Stora forskningsbidrag, Anslag 2020:

    Stora Forskningsbidrag 2020

    Stiftelsen Assar Gabrielssons Fond delar ut tre anslag på 600 000 SEK för projekt med högre kvalitet till (i bokstavsordning): Elin Bernson, Roger Olofsson Bagge och Volkan Sayin, ...
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  • Call for Application:

    Torbjörn Holmström appointed new chair of the VREF Board

    Torbjörn Holmström, Senior Advisor to the CEO Volvo Group in Research and Technology, has been appointed Chair of the Board of the Assar Gabrielsson's Foundation, as from January 2...
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  • Call for Application:

    AG-Award 2020

    The Foundation Assar Gabrielssons calls for application regarding AG-Award 2020.

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  • Award ceremony and presentation:

    Call for Research Grant Application 2019

    The application's period is now open. The deadline is as usual October 1st. Info of grant project's funding will be released at the beginning of December 2019.

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  • Konferens:

    First Gothenburg Cancer Meeting (GCM2019) - En givande konferens

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  • Utlysning

    Assar Gabrielssons Fond utlyser två nya typer av forskningsbidrag

    Assar Gabrielssons Fond utlyser två nya typer av forskningsbidrag: Stora forskningsanslag och Bidrag till särskilda satsningar. Ansökningar om dessa bidrag gäller företrädesvis for...
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  • Stipendieöverlämnande:AG-Pris 2019

    Utdelning av stiftelsen Assar Gabrielssons Fonds Pris för utmärkt avhandling i cancerforskning till Maria Frånlund (klinisk forskning) och Mikael Montelius (Basvetenskaplig forskni...
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  • Konferens:

    Första Gothenburg Cancer Meeting skall äga rum 6-7 maj 2019

    Stiftelsen Assar Gabrielssons stödjer initiativet.
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  • Award ceremony and presentation:

    AG-Award 2018, Clinical Research

    Therese Karlsson received the Assar Gabrielssons Award 2018, category Clinical Research, for her thesis regarding the quality of life and the voice function after completion of rad...
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  • Award ceremony and presentation:

    AG-Award 2018, Experimental Research

    Britta Langen received the Assar Gabrielssons Award 2018, category Experimental Research, for her research thesis regarding the study of the molecular mechanisms in different tissu...
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  • Call for Application:

    AG-Award 2018

    The Foundation Assar Gabrielssons calls for application regarding AG-Award 2018.

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  • Utlysning:

    AG-Pris 2018

    Stiftelsen utlyser Assar Gabrielssons Pris 2018

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  • Award ceremony and presentation:

    AG-Award 2017, Experimental Research

    Joydeep Bhadury receives the Assar Gabrielssons Award 2017, category Experimental Research, for his important research that provides a better understanding of the development of ca...
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  • New for AG-Fond from 2017

    Possibility to apply for grant to support Seminars or similar Venues

    Applications for grants to cover the costs of seminars, conferences or similar venues can be submitted throughout the year.
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  • Save the date!

    AG-Award 2017

    The call for application is now closed but please, save the date for the ceremoni ward that will take place in May 18, 2017.
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  • Call for Application
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  • Award ceremony and presentation:

    AG-Award 2016, Experimental Research

    Anna Staffas receives the Assar Gabrielssons Award 2016, category Experimental Research, for her research regarding leukemia.
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  • Award ceremony and presentation:

    AG-Award 2016, Clinical Research

    Rebecka Arnsrud Godtman receives the Assar Gabrielssons Award 2016, category Clinical Research, for her research regarding prostate cancer.
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  • Award ceremony and presentation:

    AG-Award 2016

    The Award 2016 will be presented for two excellent thesis in the field of cancer research published during the last three years in the basic scientific medicine and in clinical res...
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  • Call for application:

    AG-Award 2016

    Call from the Foundation for the Assar Gabrielsson's Award 2016
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