Stiftelsen Assar Gabrielssons Fond

För klinisk forskning speciellt i cancersjukdomar


Assar Gabrielsson's Award

AG-Award 2024: Torbjörn Holmström, Anna Wenger, Prof. Eva Forsell-aronsson

Torbjörn Holmström, Sara Bjursten Prof. Eva Forsell-aronsson

Photo: AnnaLisaFoto

Since 2005, the Assar Gabrielsson’s Foundation Prize awards annually an outstanding dissertation in Cancer Research issued from the University of Gothenburg in Västra Götaland Region during the past three years.

From 2016, two prizes are awarded: one in basic scientific cancer research and one in clinical cancer research.

Applications with all required attachments shall be sent by February 1 to the foundation’s secretariat. Additional information can be requested after the submission. 

The Board of the Foundation will take its final decision at the April Board meeting.

The award ceremony will take place in May.

Award winners from each category will have then the possibility to apply for their own extra research grant of SEK 100 000 no later than 1 October.


  1. An extra research grant of 100 000 SEK is awarded for an outstanding thesis in Cancer Research released over the past three years for two categories: basic scientific cancer research and one in clinical cancer research.
  2. The Call for application is annually announced in December prior to the awarding year through the Assar Gabrielsson’s Foundation’s and the University of Gothenburg web sites.
  3. Applications are submitted during the period January 1 - February 1 following December call and will comprehend besides the application and the thesis, a personal support letter and the CV. Only thesis issued during the three past years by the University of Gothenburg will be taken into consideration.
  4. The Board's Awarding Committee, after evaluation of the received proposals, submits for final decision one laureate per category  to the Board at the April Board meeting.
  5. The ceremony takes place in May, whereby the award winners hold a 30-minute lecture in English each.